SREE PERIYANAYAKI AMMAN GARMENTS established on 1997. We have garment manufacturing unit in Tirupur, one of the textile industrial part of india. We offer a flexible production platform, a highly qualified staff, a compliant facility, seasoned employees, and over 25 years of manufacturing experience. We are extremely proud of our hardworking staff and the superior textiles and clothing we produce and ship around the globe. We are proud to be a part of this worldwide success, and as a country we are steadily gaining the reputation as an innovative global market.
SPA GarmentsOver Lock Machine
Flat Lock Machine
Single Needle
Top Elastic
Zig Zag Machine
Straight Knife Cutting Machine
Fusing Machine
Lay Cutting Machine
Rip Cutting Machine
Vaccuum Ironing Table
Ramson Stain Remover
25 no's
15 no's
15 no's
2 no's
1 no's
1 no's
1 no's
1 no's
2 no's
4 no's
1 no's
Includes testing phases of all parameters to bring about a quality product, we are known for, based on the long time usage of the product.
2/1096 –В, N.V.B Garden, K.T.C. School Main Road, Sellam Nagar Pirivu Inside, Tirupur,Tamil Nadu-641687.
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To comprehend what the customer needs in terms of delivery speed, cost, period and styles.Using the assigned team to transform the buyer's requirements into an appropriate good.To get the greatest quality by making the most use of our expertise.To use the most effective transit routes in order to ensure timely shipment and promising.A Service both before and after the goods are delivered.